view vim/vimfiles/doc/ctrlp.txt @ 4:6bb800967ce5

Turn off spell checking by default. Use the Unix/Linux syntax for wildignore.
author Brian Neal <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2012 20:05:42 -0600
parents 92af3257a261
line wrap: on
line source
*ctrlp.txt*       Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. v1.6.5
*CtrlP* *ControlP* *'ctrlp'* *'ctrl-p'*
#                                                                             #
#          :::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::  :::             :::::::::          #
#         :+:    :+:    :+:     :+:    :+: :+:             :+:    :+:         #
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#          ########     ###     ###    ### ##########      ###                #
#                                                                             #
CONTENTS                                                       *ctrlp-contents*

    1. Intro........................................|ctrlp-intro|
    2. Options......................................|ctrlp-options|
    3. Commands.....................................|ctrlp-commands|
    4. Mappings.....................................|ctrlp-mappings|
    5. Input Formats................................|ctrlp-input-formats|
    6. Extensions...................................|ctrlp-extensions|

1. Intro                                                          *ctrlp-intro*

Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder with an intuitive interface.
Written in pure Vimscript for MacVim and Vim version 7.0+. Has full support for
Vim’s |regexp| as search pattern, built-in MRU files monitoring, project’s root
finder, and more.

To enable optional extensions (tag, quickfix, dir...), see |ctrlp-extensions|.

2. Options                                                      *ctrlp-options*

Below are the available options and their default values:~

Use this option to change the mapping to invoke |CtrlP| in |Normal| mode: >
  let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'

Set the default opening command to use when pressing the above mapping: >
  let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP'

Use this to disable the plugin completely: >
  let g:loaded_ctrlp = 1

Set this to 1 to set search by filename (not full path) as the default: >
  let g:ctrlp_by_filename = 0

Set this to 1 to set |regexp| search as the default: >
  let g:ctrlp_regexp_search = 0

Set this to 0 to show the match window at the top of the screen: >
  let g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom = 1

Reverse the sort order of the matched files in the match window. The default
setting is from bottom to top: >
  let g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed = 1

Set the maximum height of the match window: >
  let g:ctrlp_max_height = 10

Set this to 0 to disable the jump-to-open-buffer feature.
Set to 2 to also jump tab if the selected buffer’s opened in another tab.
Set to 1 to only jump to it if it’s opened in the current tab: >
  let g:ctrlp_jump_to_buffer = 2

When starting up the prompt, temporarily set the working directory (i.e. the
|current-directory|) to:
  1 - the parent directory of the current file.
  2 - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories/files:
  0 - don’t manage working directory.
  let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2

Use this to set your own root markers in addition to the default ones. Your
markers will take precedence: >
  let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['']
These markers (builtins and yours) will serve as identifiers for the '/' and
'\' special inputs (section 5.e)

Set this to 0 to disable per-session caching. When disabled, caching will still
be enabled for directories that have more than 4000 files: >
  let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 1
Note: you can quickly purge the cache by pressing <F5> while inside |CtrlP|.

Set this to 0 to enable cross-sessions caching: >
  let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 1

Set the directory to store the cache files: >
  let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = $HOME.'/.ctrlp_cache'

Use this to customize the mappings inside |CtrlP|’s prompt to your liking. You
only need to keep the lines that you’ve changed the values (inside []): >
  let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
    \ 'PrtBS()':              ['<bs>'],
    \ 'PrtDelete()':          ['<del>'],
    \ 'PrtDeleteWord()':      ['<c-w>'],
    \ 'PrtClear()':           ['<c-u>'],
    \ 'PrtSelectMove("j")':   ['<c-j>', '<down>'],
    \ 'PrtSelectMove("k")':   ['<c-k>', '<up>'],
    \ 'PrtHistory(-1)':       ['<c-n>'],
    \ 'PrtHistory(1)':        ['<c-p>'],
    \ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'],
    \ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['<c-x>', '<c-cr>', '<c-s>'],
    \ 'AcceptSelection("t")': ['<c-t>', '<MiddleMouse>'],
    \ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['<c-v>', '<c-q>', '<RightMouse>'],
    \ 'ToggleFocus()':        ['<tab>'],
    \ 'ToggleRegex()':        ['<c-r>'],
    \ 'ToggleByFname()':      ['<c-d>'],
    \ 'ToggleType(1)':        ['<c-f>', '<c-up>'],
    \ 'ToggleType(-1)':       ['<c-b>', '<c-down>'],
    \ 'PrtCurStart()':        ['<c-a>'],
    \ 'PrtCurEnd()':          ['<c-e>'],
    \ 'PrtCurLeft()':         ['<c-h>', '<left>'],
    \ 'PrtCurRight()':        ['<c-l>', '<right>'],
    \ 'PrtClearCache()':      ['<F5>'],
    \ 'PrtDeleteMRU()':       ['<F7>'],
    \ 'CreateNewFile()':      ['<c-y>'],
    \ 'MarkToOpen()':         ['<c-z>'],
    \ 'OpenMulti()':          ['<c-o>'],
    \ 'PrtExit()':            ['<esc>', '<c-c>', '<c-g>'],
    \ }
If you have problem with <bs> moving left instead of deleting a char, add this
to your |vimrc|: >
 let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
   \ 'PrtBS()':      ['<c-h>'],
   \ 'PrtCurLeft()': ['<left>'],
   \ }

Specify the number of recently opened files you want |CtrlP| to remember: >
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_max = 250

Files you don’t want |CtrlP| to remember; use |regexp| to specify the patterns:
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = ''
Examples: >
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = '/tmp/.*\|/temp/.*' " MacOSX/Linux
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = '^C:\\dev\\tmp\\.*' " Windows

And if you want |CtrlP| to only remember some files, specify them here: >
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = ''
Example: >
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = '\.py$\|\.rb$'

Match this with your file system case-sensitivity setting to avoid duplicate
MRU entries: >
  let g:ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive = 1

Set this to 0 if you don’t want |CtrlP| to search for dotfiles and dotdirs: >
  let g:ctrlp_dotfiles = 1
You can use |'wildignore'| to exclude anything from the search.
e.g. exclude version control directories: >
  set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/*  " Linux/MacOSX
  set wildignore+=.git\*,.hg\*,.svn\*        " Windows
Note: the `*/` in front of each glob is required.

Other note: |wildignore| influences the result of |expand()|, |globpath()| and
|glob()| which many plugins use to find stuff on the system (e.g. fugitive.vim
looks for .git/, some other plugins look for external exe tools on Windows).
So be a little mindful of what you put in your |wildignore|.

In addition to |'wildignore'|, use this for files and directories you want only
|CtrlP| to not show. Use |regexp| to specify the pattern: >
  let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = ''

Use this to enable/disable highlighting of the matched patterns and to specify
the highlight group that’ll be used: >
  let g:ctrlp_highlight_match = [1, 'Identifier']

The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: >
  let g:ctrlp_max_files = 20000

The maximum depth of a directory tree to recurse into: >
  let g:ctrlp_max_depth = 40
Note: the larger these values, the more memory Vim uses.

Specify an external tool to use for listing files instead of Vim’s globpath().
Use %s in place of the target directory: >
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ''
Examples: >
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f'       " MacOSX/Linux
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d' " Windows
You can also use 'grep', 'findstr' or something else to filter the results.
Examples: >
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f | grep (?!tmp/.*)'
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d | findstr .*\.py$'
Use a version control listing command when inside a repository, this is a lot
faster when working with large projects: >
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = [repo_marker, vcs_ls_command, fallback_command]
If the fallback_command is empty or not defined, globpath() will then be used
when searching outside a repo.
Examples: >
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git/', 'cd %s && git ls-files']
  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.hg/', 'hg --cwd %s locate --fullpath -I .']

Use this option to specify how the newly created file is to be opened when
pressing <c-y>:
  1 - in a new tab
  2 - in a new horizontal split
  3 - in a new vertical split
  0 - in the current window
  let g:ctrlp_open_new_file = 3

The maximum number of input strings you want |CtrlP| to remember. The default
value mirrors Vim’s global |'history'| option: >
  let g:ctrlp_max_history = &history
Set to 0 to disable prompt’s history.

If non-zero, this will enable opening multiple files with <c-z> and <c-o>: >
  let g:ctrlp_open_multi = '1v'
For the number:
  If bigger than 1, it’ll be used as the maximum number of windows or tabs to
  create when opening the files (the rest will be hidden buffers). If is 1,
  <c-o> will open all files, each in a new window or new tab.
For the letter:
  t - each in a tab
  h - each in a horizontal split
  v - each in a vertical split

When opening a file with <cr>, |CtrlP| avoids opening it in windows created by
plugins, help and quickfix. Use this to setup some exceptions: >
  let g:ctrlp_dont_split = ''
Acceptable values are partial names or filetypes of the special buffers. Use
|regexp| to specify the pattern. Example: >
  let g:ctrlp_dont_split = 'netrw\|help'

Set this to 1 to follow symbolic links when listing files: >
  let g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks = 0

Set this to 1 to enable the lazy-update feature: only update the match window
after typing’s been stopped for a certain amount of time: >
  let g:ctrlp_lazy_update = 0
If is 1, update after 250ms. If bigger than 1, the number will be used as the
delay time in milliseconds.

Set this to 1 to use Migemo Pattern for Japanese filenames. Migemo Search only
works in |regexp| mode. To split the pattern, separate words with space: >
  let g:ctrlp_use_migemo = 0

3. Commands                                                    *ctrlp-commands*

:CtrlP [starting-directory]
   Open |CtrlP| in find file mode.

   If no argument is given, the value of |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode| will be
   used to determine the starting directory.
   You can use <tab> to auto-complete the [starting-directory] when typing it.

   Open |CtrlP| in find buffer mode.

   Open |CtrlP| in find Most-Recently-Used file mode.

   Flush the cache for the current working directory. The same as pressing <F5>
   inside |CtrlP|.

   Delete all the cache files saved in |ctrlp_cache_dir|.

   Reset all options, take in new values of the option variables in section 2.

The following commands ignore the current value of |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode|:

:CtrlPCurWD                                                       *:CtrlPCurWD*
   This acts like |:CtrlP| with |path_mode| = 0

:CtrlPCurFile                                                   *:CtrlPCurFile*
   This acts like |:CtrlP| with |path_mode| = 1

:CtrlPRoot                                                         *:CtrlPRoot*
   This acts like |:CtrlP| with |path_mode| = 2

4. Mappings                                                    *ctrlp-mappings*

   Default |Normal| mode mapping to open the |CtrlP| prompt in find file mode.

Once inside the prompt:~

  <c-r>                                                    *'ctrlp-fullregexp'*
    Toggle between the string mode (section 5.a & b) and full |regexp| mode.
    (note: in full |regexp| mode, the prompt’s base is 'r>>' instead of '>>>')

    See also |input-formats| and |g:ctrlp_regexp_search|.

    Toggle between full path search and filename only search.
    (note: in filename mode, the prompt’s base is '>d>' instead of '>>>')

  <c-f>, 'forward'
    Scroll to the 'next' search mode in the sequence.

  <c-b>, 'backward'
    Scroll to the 'previous' search mode in the sequence.

    Toggle the focus between the match window and the prompt.

    Move selection down

    Move selection up

    Move the cursor to the 'start' of the prompt

    Move the cursor to the 'end' of the prompt

    Move the cursor one character to the 'left'

    Move the cursor one character to the 'right'

    Delete a preceding inner word

    Clear the input field

    Open selected file in the active window if possible.

    Open selected file in a new 'tab'

    Open selected file in a 'vertical' split

    Open selected file in a 'horizontal' split

    Create a new file and its parent directories.

    Next string in the prompt’s history

    Previous string in the prompt’s history

    Mark/unmark a file to be opened with <c-o>.

    Open files marked by <c-z>.

    - Refresh the match window and purge the cache for the current directory.
    - Remove deleted files from MRU list.

    Clear MRU list.

    Exit |CtrlP|. <c-c> can also be used to stop the file scan.

Choose your own mappings with |g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings|.

When inside the match window (press <tab> to switch):~

    Cycle through the lines with the first letter (of paths or filenames) that
    matches that key.

5. Input Formats                                          *ctrlp-input-formats*

Formats for inputting in the prompt:~

a)  Simple string.
    e.g. 'abc' is understood internally as 'a[^a]\{-}b[^b]\{-}c'

b)  Vim |regexp|. If the input string contains '*' or '|', it’ll be treated as
    a Vim’s |regexp| |pattern| without any modification.
    e.g. 'abc\d*efg' will be read as 'abc\d*efg'.

    See also |ctrlp-fullregexp| (key map) and |g:ctrlp_regexp_search| (option).

c)  End the string with a colon ':' followed by a Vim command to execute that
    command after opening the file. If you need to use ':' in the command,
    escape it with a backslash: '\:'.
    e.g. 'abc:45' will open the selected file and jump to line 45.
         'abc:/my\:function' will open the selected file and jump to the first
         instance of 'my:function'.
         'abc:+setf\ myfiletype|50' will open the selected file and set its
         filetype to 'myfiletype' then jump to line 50.

    See also Vim’s |++opt| and |+cmd|.

d)  Type exactly two dots '..' at the start of the prompt and press enter to go
    backward in the directory tree by 1 level. If the parent directory is
    large, this might be slow.

e)  Similarly, submit '/' or '\' to find and go to the project’s root. If the
    project is large, using a VCS listing command to look for files might help
    speeding up the intial scan (see |g:ctrlp_user_command| for more details).

f)  Type the name of a non-existent file and press <c-y> to create it.
    e.g. 'parentdir/file.txt' will create a directory named 'parentdir' as well
         as 'file.txt'.
         Use '\' in place of '/' on Windows (if |'ssl'| is not set).

g)  Submit ? to open this help file.

6. Extensions                                              *g:ctrlp-extensions*

Extensions are optional. To enable an extension, add its name to the variable
g:ctrlp_extensions: >
  let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['tag', 'buffertag', 'quickfix', 'dir']
The order of the items will be the order they appear on the statusline and when
using <c-f>, <c-b>.

Available extensions:~

  * Tag mode:~
    - Name: 'tag'
    - Command: ':CtrlPTag'
    - Search for a tag within a generated central tags file, and jump to the
      definition. Use the Vim’s option |'tags'| to specify the names and the
      locations of the tags file(s). Example: `set tags+=tags/help,doc/tags`

  * Buffer Tag mode:~
    - Name: 'buffertag'
    - Command: ':CtrlPBufTag'
    - Search for a tag within the current buffer and jump to the definition.
      Requires |exuberant_ctags|.

  * Quickfix mode:~
    - Name: 'quickfix'
    - Command: ':CtrlPQuickfix'
    - Search for an entry in the current quickfix errors and jump to it.

  * Directory mode:~
    - Name: 'dir'
    - Command: ':CtrlPDir'
    - Search for a directory and change the working directory to it.
    - Mappings:
      + <cr> change the local working directory for |CtrlP| and keep it open.
      + <c-t> change the global working directory (exit).
      + <c-v> change the local working directory for the current window (exit).
      + <c-x> change the global working directory to |CtrlP|’s current local
        working directory (exit).

Buffer Tag mode options:~

If ctags isn’t in your $PATH, use this to set its location: >
  let g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin = ''

Match this with your OS’s encoding (not Vim’s). The default value mirrors Vim’s
global |'encoding'| option: >
  let g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc = &encoding

Use this to set the arguments for ctags, jsctags... for a given filetype: >
  let g:ctrlp_buftag_types = ''
Examples: >
  let g:ctrlp_buftag_types = {
    \ 'erlang'     : '--language-force=erlang --erlang-types=drmf',
    \ 'javascript' : {
      \ 'bin': 'jsctags',
      \ 'args': '-f -',
      \ },
    \ }

EXTENDING                                                     *ctrlp-extending*

Extending |CtrlP| is very simple. Simply create a vim file following a short
guidelines, place it in autoload/ctrlp/ and add its name to your .vimrc.

To see how it works, get the sample.vim from the extensions branch on the main
git repository (, and place
it along with the parent directories somewhere in your runtimepath. Then put
this into your .vimrc: >
  let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['sample']
A new search type will show up the next time you open |CtrlP|.

For more details, check out the comments inside sample.vim.~

CREDITS                                                         *ctrlp-credits*

Developed by Kien Nguyen <>, initially based on the Command-T
and the LustyExplorer plugins. No code was taken from these plugins, but I did
clone the majority of their (awesome) interfaces and the way they work.

This was originally written as a module for a would-be larger plugin called
AutoDoc.vim which I’ve stopped developing because of lost of interest. I really
liked the way Command-T and LustyExplorer deal with user’s input, so I wrote a
pure Vimscript version of their prompt window, intended to use it for the
aforementioned plugin.

Git repository:
Mercurial repository:

THANKS                                                           *ctrlp-thanks*

Thanks to everyone that has submitted ideas, bug reports or helped debugging on
gibhub, bitbucket, and through email.

Special thanks:~

    * Woojong Koh <>
        Forked and suggested the support for VCS listing commands.

    * Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>
        Added option to use Migemo for Japanese language.

CHANGELOG                                                     *ctrlp-changelog*

    + New feature: Buffer Tag extension.
    + New command: |:CtrlPBufTag|.
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_cmd|,

Before 2011/11/30~

    + New features: Tag, Quickfix and Directory extensions.
    + New commands: |:CtrlPTag|, |:CtrlPQuickfix|, |:CtrlPDir|.
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_use_migemo|,

Before 2011/11/13~

    + New special input: '/' and '\' find root (section 5.e)
    + Remove ctrlp#SetWorkingPath().
    + Remove |g:ctrlp_mru_files|, make MRU permanent.
    + Extend |g:ctrlp_open_multi|, add new ways to open files.
    + New option: |g:ctrlp_dont_split|,

Before 2011/10/30~

    + New feature: Support for custom extensions.
                   <F5> also removes non-existent files from MRU list.
    + New option: |g:ctrlp_jump_to_buffer|

Before 2011/10/12~

    + New features: Open multiple files.
                    Pass Vim’s |++opt| and |+cmd| to the opening file
                    (section 5.c)
                    Auto-complete each dir for |:CtrlP| [starting-directory]
    + New mappings: <c-z> mark/unmark a file to be opened with <c-o>.
                    <c-o> open all marked files.
    + New option: |g:ctrlp_open_multi|
    + Remove |g:ctrlp_persistent_input|, |g:ctrlp_live_update| and <c-^>.

Before 2011/09/29~

    + New mappings: <c-n>, <c-p> next/prev string in the input history.
                    <c-y> create a new file and its parent dirs.
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_open_new_file|,
    + Added a new open-in-horizontal-split mapping: <c-x>

Before 2011/09/19~

    + New command: |ResetCtrlP|
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_max_files|,
    + New mapping: <c-^>

Before 2011/09/12~

    + Ability to cycle through matched lines in the match window.
    + Extend the behavior of |g:ctrlp_persistent_input|
    + Extend the behavior of |:CtrlP|
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_dotfiles|,
    + New special input: '..' (section 5.d)
    + New mapping: <F5>.
    + New commands: |:CtrlPCurWD|,

    + New feature: Search in most recently used (MRU) files
    + New mapping: <c-b>.
    + Extended the behavior of <c-f>.
    + New options: |g:ctrlp_mru_files|,
    + New command: |:CtrlPMRUFiles|

First public release: 2011/09/06~
