# HG changeset patch
# User Brian Neal <bgneal@gmail.com>
# Date 1341449561 18000
# Node ID 9e02d8696e67bd8e9643040a3ba67f99cb5d1040
# Parent  919b7a0d18027473f68d925c19eb0fc7cea1adf0
Added enigma_machine::step().

diff -r 919b7a0d1802 -r 9e02d8696e67 enigma/machine.h
--- a/enigma/machine.h	Mon Jul 02 19:23:49 2012 -0500
+++ b/enigma/machine.h	Wed Jul 04 19:52:41 2012 -0500
@@ -104,6 +104,13 @@
          return electric_signal(c - 'A') + 'A';
+      // this is like key_press(), but it works in signal numbers (0-25) instead of chars:
+      int step(int n)
+      {
+         step_rotors();
+         return electric_signal(n);
+      }
       // Process a buffer of text of length n, placing the result in an output buffer.
       void process_text(const char* input, char* output, std::size_t n)