bgneal@18: ========== bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma bgneal@18: ========== bgneal@18: A historically accurate Enigma Machine library written in C++11 bgneal@18: --------------------------------------------------------------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: :Author: Brian Neal bgneal@18: :Version: 0.1 bgneal@18: :Date: July 11, 2012 bgneal@18: :Home Page: bgneal@18: :License: MIT License (see LICENSE.txt) bgneal@18: :Support: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Overview bgneal@18: -------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: **Cpp-Enigma** is a C++11 library for simulating the `Enigma machines`_ used bgneal@18: by the German armed forces (Wehrmacht) during World War 2. Cpp-Enigma makes it bgneal@18: possible to both encrypt and decrypt messages that can be sent to, or received bgneal@18: from, actual Enigma machines used by the German army (Heer), air force bgneal@18: (Luftwaffe), and navy (Kriegsmarine). bgneal@18: bgneal@18: It is my hope that library will be useful to Enigma enthusiasts, historians, and bgneal@18: students interested in cryptography. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma is basically a C++11 port of my `Py-Enigma bgneal@18: `_ library, which is written in Python 3. bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma was created when I started doing performance intensive hill-climbing bgneal@18: searches for Enigma keys. The Python library is very convenient for quick bgneal@18: experiments and simple brute force attacks when most of the key parameters are bgneal@18: known. Cpp-Enigma is for when you need much greater performance, such as a bgneal@18: cipher-text only attack involving hill-climbing. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Quick Example bgneal@18: ------------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: This example shows how the library can be used to decode a message using the bgneal@18: procedure employed by the German army:: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: #include bgneal@18: #include bgneal@18: #include "machine.h" bgneal@18: bgneal@18: using namespace enigma; bgneal@18: bgneal@18: int main() bgneal@18: { bgneal@18: // setup machine according to specs from a key sheet: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: enigma_machine em({"II", "IV", "V"}, {1, 20, 11}, "B", bgneal@18: "AV BS CG DL FU HZ IN KM OW RX"); bgneal@18: bgneal@18: // set initial rotor starting position bgneal@18: em.set_display("WXC"); bgneal@18: bgneal@18: // decrypt the message key bgneal@18: const std::string msg_key = em.process_text("KCH"); bgneal@18: bgneal@18: // decrypt the ciphertext with the unencrypted message key bgneal@18: em.set_display(msg_key); bgneal@18: bgneal@18: const std::string ciphertext("NIBLFMYMLLUFWCASCSSNVHAZ"); bgneal@18: const std::string plaintext(em.process_text(ciphertext)); bgneal@18: bgneal@18: std::cout << plaintext << std::endl; bgneal@18: return 0; bgneal@18: } bgneal@18: bgneal@18: This program prints:: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: THEXRUSSIANSXAREXCOMINGX bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Requirements bgneal@18: ------------ bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma is written in C++, and uses features found in the C++11 standard. The bgneal@18: code was developed on GCC 4.6.3. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma ships with SCons_ build files. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma's unit tests require the CxxTest_ unit test framework. This is only bgneal@18: required if you plan on running or modifying the tests. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma has no other requirements or dependencies. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Installation bgneal@18: ------------ bgneal@18: bgneal@18: You may download a tarball or .zip file of the latest code using the "get bgneal@18: source" link on the `Cpp-Enigma Bitbucket page`_. Alternatively if you use bgneal@18: Mercurial_, you can clone the repository with the following command:: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: $ hg clone bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Once you have obtained a copy of the source and installed SCons_ the software bgneal@18: can be compiled on GCC with:: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: $ scons bgneal@18: bgneal@18: If you have CxxTest_ installed and configured to work with SCons_, you may run bgneal@18: the unit tests with:: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: $ scons check bgneal@18: bgneal@18: I have not currently compiled the code on other compilers or environments. bgneal@18: Patches or pull requests are welcome. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Documentation bgneal@18: ------------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Currently there is no documentation for Cpp-Enigma. However the design and API bgneal@18: is almost identical to Py-Enigma, which is well documented. I will quote from bgneal@18: the Py-Enigma README file below: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: The latest documentation is available at `Read the Docs bgneal@18: `_. There you can `browse the bgneal@18: documentation online `_, or bgneal@18: `download it in a variety of formats bgneal@18: `_. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Sources for the documentation are also included in Sphinx_ format. If you bgneal@18: install Sphinx you can generate the documentation in several output formats. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Support bgneal@18: ------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Support is provided at the `issue tracker`_ at the `Cpp-Enigma Bitbucket page`_. bgneal@18: If you have general questions or comments, please feel free to email me (address bgneal@18: at the top of this file). bgneal@18: bgneal@18: And please, if you use Cpp-Enigma for anything, even if it is just learning, bgneal@18: please let me know! bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Acknowledgements & References bgneal@18: ----------------------------- bgneal@18: bgneal@18: This software would not have been possible without the thorough and detailed bgneal@18: descriptions of the Enigma machine on Dirk Rijmenants' incredible `Cipher bgneal@18: Machines and Cryptology website`_. In particular, his `Technical Details of the bgneal@18: Enigma Machine`_ page was a gold mine of information. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Dirk has also written an `Enigma simulator`_ in Visual Basic. Although I did not bgneal@18: look at his source code, I did use his simulator to check the operation of bgneal@18: Cpp-Enigma. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: I would also like to recommend the photos and video at Dr. Thomas B. Perera's bgneal@18: `Enigma Museum`_. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: Another good website is `The Enigma and the Bombe`_ by Graham Ellsbury. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: A nice video which shows the basic components and operation of the Enigma bgneal@18: Machine is on YouTube: `Nadia Baker & Enigma demo`_. bgneal@18: bgneal@18: bgneal@18: .. _Enigma machines: bgneal@18: .. _Cpp-Enigma Bitbucket page: bgneal@18: .. _Mercurial: bgneal@18: .. _issue tracker: bgneal@18: .. _SCons: bgneal@18: .. _CxxTest: bgneal@18: .. _Sphinx: bgneal@18: .. _Cipher Machines and Cryptology website: bgneal@18: .. _Technical Details of the Enigma Machine: bgneal@18: .. _Enigma simulator: bgneal@18: .. _Enigma Museum: bgneal@18: .. _The Enigma and the Bombe: bgneal@18: .. _Nadia Baker & Enigma demo: