view bns_website/static/js/bxslider/source/jquery.bxSlider.js @ 87:fbeda0f5f3be

Fix for odd Webkit CSS issue when using jPlayer Blue Monday skin and our CSS. All instances of the Future Bugler font on the Listen page were jaggie and smaller than expected.
author Chris Ridgway <>
date Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:06:26 -0600
parents 98cc19041d8f
line wrap: on
line source
 * jQuery bxSlider v3.0
 * Copyright 2011, Steven Wanderski
 * Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.

	$.fn.bxSlider = function(options){		
		var defaults = {
			mode: 'horizontal',									// 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'fade'
			infiniteLoop: true,									// true, false - display first slide after last
			hideControlOnEnd: false,						// true, false - if true, will hide 'next' control on last slide and 'prev' control on first
			controls: true,											// true, false - previous and next controls
			speed: 500,													// integer - in ms, duration of time slide transitions will occupy
			easing: 'swing',                    // used with jquery.easing.1.3.js - see for available options
			pager: false,												// true / false - display a pager
			pagerSelector: null,								// jQuery selector - element to contain the pager. ex: '#pager'
			pagerType: 'full',									// 'full', 'short' - if 'full' pager displays 1,2,3... if 'short' pager displays 1 / 4
			pagerLocation: 'bottom',						// 'bottom', 'top' - location of pager
			pagerShortSeparator: '/',						// string - ex: 'of' pager would display 1 of 4
			pagerActiveClass: 'pager-active',		// string - classname attached to the active pager link
			nextText: 'next',										// string - text displayed for 'next' control
			nextImage: '',											// string - filepath of image used for 'next' control. ex: 'images/next.jpg'
			nextSelector: null,									// jQuery selector - element to contain the next control. ex: '#next'
			prevText: 'prev',										// string - text displayed for 'previous' control
			prevImage: '',											// string - filepath of image used for 'previous' control. ex: 'images/prev.jpg'
			prevSelector: null,									// jQuery selector - element to contain the previous control. ex: '#next'
			captions: false,										// true, false - display image captions (reads the image 'title' tag)
			captionsSelector: null,							// jQuery selector - element to contain the captions. ex: '#captions'
			auto: false,												// true, false - make slideshow change automatically
			autoDirection: 'next',							// 'next', 'prev' - direction in which auto show will traverse
			autoControls: false,								// true, false - show 'start' and 'stop' controls for auto show
			autoControlsSelector: null,					// jQuery selector - element to contain the auto controls. ex: '#auto-controls'
			autoStart: true,										// true, false - if false show will wait for 'start' control to activate
			autoHover: false,										// true, false - if true show will pause on mouseover
			autoDelay: 0,                       // integer - in ms, the amount of time before starting the auto show
			pause: 3000,												// integer - in ms, the duration between each slide transition
			startText: 'start',									// string - text displayed for 'start' control
			startImage: '',											// string - filepath of image used for 'start' control. ex: 'images/start.jpg'
			stopText: 'stop',										// string - text displayed for 'stop' control
			stopImage: '',											// string - filepath of image used for 'stop' control. ex: 'images/stop.jpg'
			ticker: false,											// true, false - continuous motion ticker mode (think news ticker)
																					// note: autoControls, autoControlsSelector, and autoHover apply to ticker!
			tickerSpeed: 5000,								  // float - use value between 1 and 5000 to determine ticker speed - the smaller the value the faster the ticker speed
			tickerDirection: 'next',						// 'next', 'prev' - direction in which ticker show will traverse
			tickerHover: false,                 // true, false - if true ticker will pause on mouseover
			wrapperClass: 'bx-wrapper',					// string - classname attached to the slider wraper
			startingSlide: 0, 									// integer - show will start on specified slide. note: slides are zero based!
			displaySlideQty: 1,									// integer - number of slides to display at once
			moveSlideQty: 1,										// integer - number of slides to move at once
			randomStart: false,									// true, false - if true show will start on a random slide
			onBeforeSlide: function(){},				// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			onAfterSlide: function(){},					// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			onLastSlide: function(){},					// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			onFirstSlide: function(){},					// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			onNextSlide: function(){},					// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			onPrevSlide: function(){},					// function(currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
			buildPager: null										// function(slideIndex, slideHtmlObject){ return string; } - advanced use only! see the tutorial here:
		var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
		// cache the base element
		var base = this;
		// initialize (and localize) all variables
		var $parent = '';
		var $origElement = '';
		var $children = '';
		var $outerWrapper = '';
		var $firstChild = '';
		var childrenWidth = '';
		var childrenOuterWidth = '';
		var wrapperWidth = '';
		var wrapperHeight = '';
		var $pager = '';	
		var interval = '';
		var $autoControls = '';
		var $stopHtml = '';
		var $startContent = '';
		var $stopContent = '';
		var autoPlaying = true;
		var loaded = false;
		var childrenMaxWidth = 0;
		var childrenMaxHeight = 0;
		var currentSlide = 0;	
		var origLeft = 0;
		var origTop = 0;
		var origShowWidth = 0;
		var origShowHeight = 0;
		var tickerLeft = 0;
		var tickerTop = 0;
		var isWorking = false;
		var firstSlide = 0;
		var lastSlide = $children.length - 1;
		 * Go to specified slide
		this.goToSlide = function(number, stopAuto){
				isWorking = true;
				// set current slide to argument
				currentSlide = number;
				options.onBeforeSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
				// check if stopAuto argument is supplied
				if(typeof(stopAuto) == 'undefined'){
					var stopAuto = true;
					// if show is auto playing, stop it
				slide = number;
				// check for first slide callback
				if(slide == firstSlide){
					options.onFirstSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
				// check for last slide callback
				if(slide == lastSlide){
					options.onLastSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
				// horizontal
				if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
					$parent.animate({'left': '-'+getSlidePosition(slide, 'left')+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
						isWorking = false;
						// perform the callback function
						options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
				// vertical
				}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
					$parent.animate({'top': '-'+getSlidePosition(slide, 'top')+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
						isWorking = false;
						// perform the callback function
						options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
				// fade	
				}else if(options.mode == 'fade'){
				// check to remove controls on last/first slide
				// accomodate multi slides
				if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
					number = Math.floor(number / options.moveSlideQty);
				// make the current slide active
				// display the caption
		 * Go to next slide
		this.goToNextSlide = function(stopAuto){
			// check if stopAuto argument is supplied
			if(typeof(stopAuto) == 'undefined'){
				var stopAuto = true;
				// if show is auto playing, stop it
			// makes slideshow finite
					var slideLoop = false;
					// make current slide the old value plus moveSlideQty
					currentSlide = (currentSlide + (options.moveSlideQty));
					// if current slide has looped on itself
					if(currentSlide <= lastSlide){
						// next slide callback
						options.onNextSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
						// move to appropriate slide
						currentSlide -= options.moveSlideQty;
				} // end if(!isWorking)		
					isWorking = true;					
					var slideLoop = false;
					// make current slide the old value plus moveSlideQty
					currentSlide = (currentSlide + options.moveSlideQty);
					// if current slide has looped on itself
					if(currentSlide > lastSlide){
						currentSlide = currentSlide % $children.length;
						slideLoop = true;
					// next slide callback
					options.onNextSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					// slide before callback
					options.onBeforeSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){						
						// get the new 'left' property for $parent
						var parentLeft = (options.moveSlideQty * childrenOuterWidth);
						// animate to the new 'left'
						$parent.animate({'left': '-='+parentLeft+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
							isWorking = false;
							// if its time to loop, reset the $parent
								$parent.css('left', '-'+getSlidePosition(currentSlide, 'left')+'px');
							// perform the callback function
							options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
						// get the new 'left' property for $parent
						var parentTop = (options.moveSlideQty * childrenMaxHeight);
						// animate to the new 'left'
						$parent.animate({'top': '-='+parentTop+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
							isWorking = false;
							// if its time to loop, reset the $parent
								$parent.css('top', '-'+getSlidePosition(currentSlide, 'top')+'px');
							// perform the callback function
							options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					}else if(options.mode == 'fade'){
					// make the current slide active
					if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
						makeSlideActive(Math.ceil(currentSlide / options.moveSlideQty));
					// display the caption
				} // end if(!isWorking)
		} // end function
		 * Go to previous slide
		this.goToPreviousSlide = function(stopAuto){
			// check if stopAuto argument is supplied
			if(typeof(stopAuto) == 'undefined'){
				var stopAuto = true;
				// if show is auto playing, stop it
			// makes slideshow finite
					var slideLoop = false;
					// make current slide the old value plus moveSlideQty
					currentSlide = currentSlide - options.moveSlideQty;
					// if current slide has looped on itself
					if(currentSlide < 0){
						currentSlide = 0;
						// if specified, hide the control on the last slide
							$('.bx-prev', $outerWrapper).hide();
					// next slide callback
					options.onPrevSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					// move to appropriate slide
					isWorking = true;			
					var slideLoop = false;
					// make current slide the old value plus moveSlideQty
					currentSlide = (currentSlide - (options.moveSlideQty));
					// if current slide has looped on itself
					if(currentSlide < 0){
						negativeOffset = (currentSlide % $children.length);
						if(negativeOffset == 0){
							currentSlide = 0;
							currentSlide = ($children.length) + negativeOffset; 
						slideLoop = true;
					// next slide callback
					options.onPrevSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					// slide before callback
					options.onBeforeSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
						// get the new 'left' property for $parent
						var parentLeft = (options.moveSlideQty * childrenOuterWidth);
						// animate to the new 'left'
						$parent.animate({'left': '+='+parentLeft+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
							isWorking = false;
							// if its time to loop, reset the $parent
								$parent.css('left', '-'+getSlidePosition(currentSlide, 'left')+'px');
							// perform the callback function
							options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
						// get the new 'left' property for $parent
						var parentTop = (options.moveSlideQty * childrenMaxHeight);
						// animate to the new 'left'
						$parent.animate({'top': '+='+parentTop+'px'}, options.speed, options.easing, function(){
							isWorking = false;
							// if its time to loop, reset the $parent
								$parent.css('top', '-'+getSlidePosition(currentSlide, 'top')+'px');
							// perform the callback function
							options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
					}else if(options.mode == 'fade'){
					// make the current slide active
					if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
						makeSlideActive(Math.ceil(currentSlide / options.moveSlideQty));
					// display the caption
				} // end if(!isWorking)				
		} // end function
		 * Go to first slide
		this.goToFirstSlide = function(stopAuto){
			// check if stopAuto argument is supplied
			if(typeof(stopAuto) == 'undefined'){
				var stopAuto = true;
			base.goToSlide(firstSlide, stopAuto);
		 * Go to last slide
		this.goToLastSlide = function(){
			// check if stopAuto argument is supplied
			if(typeof(stopAuto) == 'undefined'){
				var stopAuto = true;
			base.goToSlide(lastSlide, stopAuto);
		 * Get the current slide
		this.getCurrentSlide = function(){
			return currentSlide;
		 * Get the total slide count
		this.getSlideCount = function(){
			return $children.length;
		 * Stop the slideshow
		this.stopShow = function(changeText){
			// check if changeText argument is supplied
			if(typeof(changeText) == 'undefined'){
				var changeText = true;
			if(changeText && options.autoControls){
				autoPlaying = false;
		 * Start the slideshow
		this.startShow = function(changeText){
			// check if changeText argument is supplied
			if(typeof(changeText) == 'undefined'){
				var changeText = true;
			if(changeText && options.autoControls){
				autoPlaying = true;
		 * Stops the ticker
		this.stopTicker = function(changeText){
			// check if changeText argument is supplied
			if(typeof(changeText) == 'undefined'){
				var changeText = true;
			if(changeText && options.ticker){
				autoPlaying = false;
		 * Starts the ticker
		this.startTicker = function(changeText){
			if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
				if(options.tickerDirection == 'next'){
					// get the 'left' property where the ticker stopped
					var stoppedLeft = parseInt($parent.css('left'));
					// calculate the remaining distance the show must travel until the loop
					var remainingDistance = (origShowWidth + stoppedLeft) + $children.eq(0).width();			
				}else if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev'){
					// get the 'left' property where the ticker stopped
					var stoppedLeft = -parseInt($parent.css('left'));
					// calculate the remaining distance the show must travel until the loop
					var remainingDistance = (stoppedLeft) - $children.eq(0).width();
				// calculate the speed ratio to seamlessly finish the loop
				var finishingSpeed = (remainingDistance * options.tickerSpeed) / origShowWidth;
				// call the show
				moveTheShow(tickerLeft, remainingDistance, finishingSpeed);					
			}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
				if(options.tickerDirection == 'next'){
					// get the 'top' property where the ticker stopped
					var stoppedTop = parseInt($parent.css('top'));
					// calculate the remaining distance the show must travel until the loop
					var remainingDistance = (origShowHeight + stoppedTop) + $children.eq(0).height();			
				}else if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev'){
					// get the 'left' property where the ticker stopped
					var stoppedTop = -parseInt($parent.css('top'));
					// calculate the remaining distance the show must travel until the loop
					var remainingDistance = (stoppedTop) - $children.eq(0).height();
				// calculate the speed ratio to seamlessly finish the loop
				var finishingSpeed = (remainingDistance * options.tickerSpeed) / origShowHeight;
				// call the show
				moveTheShow(tickerTop, remainingDistance, finishingSpeed);
				// check if changeText argument is supplied
				if(typeof(changeText) == 'undefined'){
					var changeText = true;
				if(changeText && options.ticker){
					autoPlaying = true;
		 * Initialize a new slideshow
		this.initShow = function(){
			// reinitialize all variables
			// base = this;
			$parent = $(this);
			$origElement = $parent.clone();
			$children = $parent.children();
			$outerWrapper = '';
			$firstChild = $parent.children(':first');
			childrenWidth = $firstChild.width();
			childrenMaxWidth = 0;
			childrenOuterWidth = $firstChild.outerWidth();
			childrenMaxHeight = 0;
			wrapperWidth = getWrapperWidth();
			wrapperHeight = getWrapperHeight();
			isWorking = false;
			$pager = '';	
			currentSlide = 0;	
			origLeft = 0;
			origTop = 0;
			interval = '';
			$autoControls = '';
			$stopHtml = '';
			$startContent = '';
			$stopContent = '';
			autoPlaying = true;
			loaded = false;
			origShowWidth = 0;
			origShowHeight = 0;
			tickerLeft = 0;
			tickerTop = 0;
			firstSlide = 0;
			lastSlide = $children.length - 1;
			// get the largest child's height and width
			$children.each(function(index) {
			  if($(this).outerHeight() > childrenMaxHeight){
					childrenMaxHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
				if($(this).outerWidth() > childrenMaxWidth){
					childrenMaxWidth = $(this).outerWidth();

			// get random slide number
				var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * $children.length);
				currentSlide = randomNumber;
				origLeft = childrenOuterWidth * (options.moveSlideQty + randomNumber);
				origTop = childrenMaxHeight * (options.moveSlideQty + randomNumber);
			// start show at specific slide
				currentSlide = options.startingSlide;
				origLeft = childrenOuterWidth * (options.moveSlideQty + options.startingSlide);
				origTop = childrenMaxHeight * (options.moveSlideQty + options.startingSlide);
			// set initial css
			// check to show pager
			if(options.pager && !options.ticker){
				if(options.pagerType == 'full'){
				}else if(options.pagerType == 'short'){
			// check to show controls
			if(options.controls && !options.ticker){
			// check if auto
			if( || options.ticker){
				// check if auto controls are displayed
				// check if show should auto start
					// check if autostart should delay
					}, options.autoDelay);
				// check if show should pause on hover
				if(options.autoHover && !options.ticker){
			// make the starting slide active
			if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
				makeSlideActive(Math.ceil(currentSlide / options.moveSlideQty));
			// check for finite show and if controls should be hidden
			// show captions
			// perform the callback function
			options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
		 * Destroy the current slideshow
		this.destroyShow = function(){			
			// stop the auto show
			// remove any controls / pagers that have been appended
			$('.bx-next, .bx-prev, .bx-pager, .bx-auto', $outerWrapper).remove();
			// unwrap all bx-wrappers
			// remove any styles that were appended
			// remove any childrent that were appended
		 * Reload the current slideshow
		this.reloadShow = function(){
		 * Creates all neccessary styling for the slideshow
		function initCss(){
			// layout the children
			// CSS for horizontal mode
			if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
				// wrap the <ul> in div that acts as a window and make the <ul> uber wide
				.wrap('<div class="'+options.wrapperClass+'" style="width:'+wrapperWidth+'px; position:relative;"></div>')
				.wrap('<div class="bx-window" style="position:relative; overflow:hidden; width:'+wrapperWidth+'px;"></div>')
				  width: '999999px',
				  position: 'relative',
					left: '-'+(origLeft)+'px'
					width: childrenWidth,
				  'float': 'left',
				  listStyle: 'none'
				$outerWrapper = $parent.parent().parent();
			// CSS for vertical mode
			}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
				// wrap the <ul> in div that acts as a window and make the <ul> uber tall
				.wrap('<div class="'+options.wrapperClass+'" style="width:'+childrenMaxWidth+'px; position:relative;"></div>')
				.wrap('<div class="bx-window" style="width:'+childrenMaxWidth+'px; height:'+wrapperHeight+'px; position:relative; overflow:hidden;"></div>')
				  height: '999999px',
				  position: 'relative',
					top: '-'+(origTop)+'px'
				  listStyle: 'none',
					height: childrenMaxHeight
				$outerWrapper = $parent.parent().parent();
			// CSS for fade mode
			}else if(options.mode == 'fade'){
				// wrap the <ul> in div that acts as a window
				.wrap('<div class="'+options.wrapperClass+'" style="width:'+childrenMaxWidth+'px; position:relative;"></div>')
				.wrap('<div class="bx-window" style="height:'+childrenMaxHeight+'px; width:'+childrenMaxWidth+'px; position:relative; overflow:hidden;"></div>');
				  listStyle: 'none',
				  position: 'absolute',
					top: 0,
					left: 0,
					zIndex: 98
				$outerWrapper = $parent.parent().parent();
				$children.not(':eq('+currentSlide+')').fadeTo(0, 0);
				$children.eq(currentSlide).css('zIndex', 99);
			// if captions = true setup a div placeholder
			if(options.captions && options.captionsSelector == null){
				$outerWrapper.append('<div class="bx-captions"></div>');
		 * Depending on mode, lays out children in the proper setup
		function setChildrenLayout(){			
			// lays out children for horizontal or vertical modes
			if(options.mode == 'horizontal' || options.mode == 'vertical'){
				// get the children behind
				var $prependedChildren = getArraySample($children, 0, options.moveSlideQty, 'backward');
				// add each prepended child to the back of the original element
				$.each($prependedChildren, function(index) {
				// total number of slides to be hidden after the window
				var totalNumberAfterWindow = ($children.length + options.moveSlideQty) - 1;
				// number of original slides hidden after the window
				var pagerExcess = $children.length - options.displaySlideQty;
				// number of slides to append to the original hidden slides
				var numberToAppend = totalNumberAfterWindow - pagerExcess;
				// get the sample of extra slides to append
				var $appendedChildren = getArraySample($children, 0, numberToAppend, 'forward');
					// add each appended child to the front of the original element
					$.each($appendedChildren, function(index) {
		 * Sets all variables associated with the controls
		function setControlsVars(){
			// check if text or images should be used for controls
			// check "next"
			if(options.nextImage != ''){
				nextContent = options.nextImage;
				nextType = 'image';
				nextContent = options.nextText;
				nextType = 'text';
			// check "prev"
			if(options.prevImage != ''){
				prevContent = options.prevImage;
				prevType = 'image';
				prevContent = options.prevText;
				prevType = 'text';
			// show the controls
			showControls(nextType, nextContent, prevType, prevContent);
		 * Puts slideshow into auto mode
		 * @param int pause number of ms the slideshow will wait between slides 
		 * @param string direction 'forward', 'backward' sets the direction of the slideshow (forward/backward)
		 * @param bool controls determines if start/stop controls will be displayed
		function setAutoInterval(){
				// finite loop
					if(options.autoDirection == 'next'){
						interval = setInterval(function(){
							currentSlide += options.moveSlideQty;
							// if currentSlide has exceeded total number
							if(currentSlide > lastSlide){
								currentSlide = currentSlide % $children.length;
							base.goToSlide(currentSlide, false);
						}, options.pause);
					}else if(options.autoDirection == 'prev'){
						interval = setInterval(function(){
							currentSlide -= options.moveSlideQty;
							// if currentSlide is smaller than zero
							if(currentSlide < 0){
								negativeOffset = (currentSlide % $children.length);
								if(negativeOffset == 0){
									currentSlide = 0;
									currentSlide = ($children.length) + negativeOffset; 
							base.goToSlide(currentSlide, false);
						}, options.pause);
				// infinite loop
					if(options.autoDirection == 'next'){
						interval = setInterval(function(){
						}, options.pause);
					}else if(options.autoDirection == 'prev'){
						interval = setInterval(function(){
						}, options.pause);
			}else if(options.ticker){
				options.tickerSpeed *= 10;
				// get the total width of the original show
				$('.pager', $outerWrapper).each(function(index) {
				  origShowWidth += $(this).width();
					origShowHeight += $(this).height();
				// if prev start the show from the last slide
				if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev' && options.mode == 'horizontal'){
					$parent.css('left', '-'+(origShowWidth+origLeft)+'px');
				}else if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev' && options.mode == 'vertical'){
					$parent.css('top', '-'+(origShowHeight+origTop)+'px');
				if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
					// get the starting left position
					tickerLeft = parseInt($parent.css('left'));
					// start the ticker
					moveTheShow(tickerLeft, origShowWidth, options.tickerSpeed);
				}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
					// get the starting top position
					tickerTop = parseInt($parent.css('top'));
					// start the ticker
					moveTheShow(tickerTop, origShowHeight, options.tickerSpeed);
				// check it tickerHover applies
		function moveTheShow(leftCss, distance, speed){
			// if horizontal
			if(options.mode == 'horizontal'){
				// if next
				if(options.tickerDirection == 'next'){
					$parent.animate({'left': '-='+distance+'px'}, speed, 'linear', function(){
						$parent.css('left', leftCss);
						moveTheShow(leftCss, origShowWidth, options.tickerSpeed);
				// if prev
				}else if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev'){
					$parent.animate({'left': '+='+distance+'px'}, speed, 'linear', function(){
						$parent.css('left', leftCss);
						moveTheShow(leftCss, origShowWidth, options.tickerSpeed);
			// if vertical		
			}else if(options.mode == 'vertical'){
				// if next
				if(options.tickerDirection == 'next'){
					$parent.animate({'top': '-='+distance+'px'}, speed, 'linear', function(){
						$parent.css('top', leftCss);
						moveTheShow(leftCss, origShowHeight, options.tickerSpeed);
				// if prev
				}else if(options.tickerDirection == 'prev'){
					$parent.animate({'top': '+='+distance+'px'}, speed, 'linear', function(){
						$parent.css('top', leftCss);
						moveTheShow(leftCss, origShowHeight, options.tickerSpeed);
		 * Sets all variables associated with the controls
		function setAutoControlsVars(){
			// check if text or images should be used for controls
			// check "start"
			if(options.startImage != ''){
				startContent = options.startImage;
				startType = 'image';
				startContent = options.startText;
				startType = 'text';
			// check "stop"
			if(options.stopImage != ''){
				stopContent = options.stopImage;
				stopType = 'image';
				stopContent = options.stopText;
				stopType = 'text';
			// show the controls
			showAutoControls(startType, startContent, stopType, stopContent);
		 * Handles hover events for auto shows
		function setAutoHover(){
			// hover over the slider window
			$outerWrapper.find('.bx-window').hover(function() {
			}, function() {
		 * Handles hover events for ticker mode
		function setTickerHover(){
			// on hover stop the animation
			$parent.hover(function() {
			}, function() {
		 * Handles fade animation
		function setChildrenFade(){
			// fade out any other child besides the current
			$children.not(':eq('+currentSlide+')').fadeTo(options.speed, 0).css('zIndex', 98);
			// fade in the current slide
			$children.eq(currentSlide).css('zIndex', 99).fadeTo(options.speed, 1, function(){
				isWorking = false;
				// ie fade fix
				// perform the callback function
				options.onAfterSlide(currentSlide, $children.length, $children.eq(currentSlide));
		 * Makes slide active
		function makeSlideActive(number){
			if(options.pagerType == 'full' && options.pager){
				// remove all active classes
				$('a', $pager).removeClass(options.pagerActiveClass);
				// assign active class to appropriate slide
				$('a', $pager).eq(number).addClass(options.pagerActiveClass);
			}else if(options.pagerType == 'short' && options.pager){
				$('.bx-pager-current', $pager).html(currentSlide+1);
		 * Displays next/prev controls
		 * @param string nextType 'image', 'text'
		 * @param string nextContent if type='image', specify a filepath to the image. if type='text', specify text.
		 * @param string prevType 'image', 'text'
		 * @param string prevContent if type='image', specify a filepath to the image. if type='text', specify text.
		function showControls(nextType, nextContent, prevType, prevContent){
			// create pager html elements
			var $nextHtml = $('<a href="" class="bx-next"></a>');
			var $prevHtml = $('<a href="" class="bx-prev"></a>');
			// check if next is 'text' or 'image'
			if(nextType == 'text'){
				$nextHtml.html('<img src="'+nextContent+'" />');
			// check if prev is 'text' or 'image'
			if(prevType == 'text'){
				$prevHtml.html('<img src="'+prevContent+'" />');
			// check if user supplied a selector to populate next control
			// check if user supplied a selector to populate next control
			// click next control
			$ {
				return false;
			// click prev control
			$ {
				return false;
		 * Displays the pager
		 * @param string type 'full', 'short'
		function showPager(type){
			// sets up logic for finite multi slide shows
			var pagerQty = $children.length;
			// if we are moving more than one at a time and we have a finite loop
			if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
				// if slides create an odd number of pages
				if($children.length % options.moveSlideQty != 0){
					// pagerQty = $children.length / options.moveSlideQty + 1;
					pagerQty = Math.ceil($children.length / options.moveSlideQty);
				// if slides create an even number of pages
					pagerQty = $children.length / options.moveSlideQty;
			var pagerString = '';
			// check if custom build function was supplied
				for(var i=0; i<pagerQty; i++){
					pagerString += options.buildPager(i, $children.eq(i * options.moveSlideQty));
			// if not, use default pager
			}else if(type == 'full'){
				// build the full pager
				for(var i=1; i<=pagerQty; i++){
					pagerString += '<a href="" class="pager-link pager-'+i+'">'+i+'</a>';
			}else if(type == 'short') {
				// build the short pager
				pagerString = '<span class="bx-pager-current">'+(options.startingSlide+1)+'</span> '+options.pagerShortSeparator+' <span class="bx-pager-total">'+$children.length+'</span>';
			// check if user supplied a pager selector
				$pager = $(options.pagerSelector);
				var $pagerContainer = $('<div class="bx-pager"></div>');
				// attach the pager to the DOM
				if(options.pagerLocation == 'top'){
				}else if(options.pagerLocation == 'bottom'){
				// cache the pager element
				$pager = $('.bx-pager', $outerWrapper);
			$pager.children().click(function() {
				// only if pager is full mode
				if(options.pagerType == 'full'){
					// get the index from the link
					var slideIndex = $pager.children().index(this);
					// accomodate moving more than one slide
					if(options.moveSlideQty > 1){
						slideIndex *= options.moveSlideQty;
				return false;
		 * Displays captions
		function showCaptions(){
			// get the title from each image
		  var caption = $('img', $children.eq(currentSlide)).attr('title');
			// if the caption exists
			if(caption != ''){
				// if user supplied a selector
					$('.bx-captions', $outerWrapper).html(caption);
				// if user supplied a selector
					$('.bx-captions', $outerWrapper).html('&nbsp;');
		 * Displays start/stop controls for auto and ticker mode
		 * @param string type 'image', 'text'
		 * @param string next [optional] if type='image', specify a filepath to the image. if type='text', specify text.
		 * @param string prev [optional] if type='image', specify a filepath to the image. if type='text', specify text.
		function showAutoControls(startType, startContent, stopType, stopContent){
			// create pager html elements
			$autoControls = $('<a href="" class="bx-start"></a>');
			// check if start is 'text' or 'image'
			if(startType == 'text'){
				$startContent = startContent;
				$startContent = '<img src="'+startContent+'" />';
			// check if stop is 'text' or 'image'
			if(stopType == 'text'){
				$stopContent = stopContent;
				$stopContent = '<img src="'+stopContent+'" />';
			// check if user supplied a selector to populate next control
				$outerWrapper.append('<div class="bx-auto"></div>');
				$('.bx-auto', $outerWrapper).html($autoControls);
			// click start control
			$ {
					}else if($(this).hasClass('start')){
					}else if($(this).hasClass('start')){
				return false;
		 * Checks if show is in finite mode, and if slide is either first or last, then hides the respective control
		function checkEndControls(){
			if(!options.infiniteLoop && options.hideControlOnEnd){
				// check previous
				if(currentSlide == firstSlide){
					$('.bx-prev', $outerWrapper).hide();				
					$('.bx-prev', $outerWrapper).show();
				// check next
				if(currentSlide == lastSlide){
					$('.bx-next', $outerWrapper).hide();
					$('.bx-next', $outerWrapper).show();
		 * Returns the left offset of the slide from the parent container
		function getSlidePosition(number, side){			
			if(side == 'left'){
				var position = $('.pager', $outerWrapper).eq(number).position().left;
			}else if(side == 'top'){
				var position = $('.pager', $outerWrapper).eq(number).position().top;
			return position;
		 * Returns the width of the wrapper
		function getWrapperWidth(){
			var wrapperWidth = $firstChild.outerWidth() * options.displaySlideQty;
			return wrapperWidth;
		 * Returns the height of the wrapper
		function getWrapperHeight(){
			// if displaying multiple slides, multiple wrapper width by number of slides to display
			var wrapperHeight = $firstChild.outerHeight() * options.displaySlideQty;
			return wrapperHeight;
		 * Returns a sample of an arry and loops back on itself if the end of the array is reached
		 * @param array array original array the sample is derived from
		 * @param int start array index sample will start
		 * @param int length number of items in the sample
		 * @param string direction 'forward', 'backward' direction the loop should travel in the array
		function getArraySample(array, start, length, direction){
			// initialize empty array
			var sample = [];
			// clone the length argument
			var loopLength = length;
			// determines when the empty array should start being populated
			var startPopulatingArray = false;
			// reverse the array if direction = 'backward'
			if(direction == 'backward'){
				array = $.makeArray(array);
			// loop through original array until the length argument is met
			while(loopLength > 0){				
				// loop through original array
				$.each(array, function(index, val) {
					// check if length has been met
					if(loopLength > 0){
						// don't do anything unless first index has been reached
							// start populating empty array
							if(index == start){
								startPopulatingArray = true;
								// add element to array
								// decrease the length clone variable
							// add element to array
							// decrease the length clone variable
					// if length has been met, break loose
						return false;
			return sample;
			// make sure the element has children
			if($(this).children().length > 0){
		return this;						
	jQuery.fx.prototype.cur = function(){
		if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null && (! ||[this.prop] == null) ) {
			return this.elem[ this.prop ];

		var r = parseFloat( jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop ) );
		// return r && r > -10000 ? r : 0;
		return r;
