Mercurial > public > bravenewsurf
view bns_website/static/js/tiny_mce_init.js @ 51:6c7467599fa9
I added the jquery plugin jplayer to use for playing samples of the album. For now I just used some of the songs linked to by the jplayer demo, but I also picked a couple songs at random from my iTunes library. Rather than add them to the repository I just named them 1.mp3, 1.m4a, 1.ogg and 2.mp3, 2.m4a, 2.ogg and anybody that wants to test the player will have to add some random songs themselves.
I only added the "blue monday" player skin because I personally think it looks the best of the examples they supply, but we could change that or roll our own if needed.
author | Bob Mourlam <> |
date | Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:01:36 -0600 |
parents | ced908af601a |
children |
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